When United, We Can

Welcome to

The United Peoples Group

Our Main Events

  • Dinner Services

    One of our goals we set for each month is to provide dinner to those in shelters & the unsheltered. Volunteers will help assemble, pack, cook, and serve meals at least twice a month to shelters of our collective choosing and to those in urban areas.

  • Fundraising

    At least twice a year, Team UNITE will choose creative ways to raise money for a organization, non-profit, or shelter of our collective choosing. Our most popular group events we have held in the past have been our bake sales.

  • Care Packages

    Our most successful and community orientated event has been our events surrounding building care packages for the unsheltered in urban areas. Team UNITE has raised funds to purchase products and items depending on the demographic + season of the urban area we were targeting.

Ready to take the next step?

Team UNITE is always looking to grow, if our mission to help those struggling aligns with yours, feel free to contact us and get started on your journey.